Legal 500

“Bruno Herbots is applauded as ’offering insight that would not be obvious to clients”

“Many consider him [Bruno Herbots] a young star with the ‘X’ factor in construction and procurement law”


“Practice head Bruno Herbots handles all aspects of construction and public procurement law. Clients appreciate his inventive solutions as well as the international experience gained from a number of jurisdictions”

“A “charismatic legal strategist” who is “very well versed in contract law and always available,” according to impressed sources.”

“Commended for being readily accessible and pleasant to deal with”

“Bruno Herbots is recommended as ‘a hard-working lawyer who is always pushing for the best result’. Recent highlights for the team include advising the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board on the development of the National Paediatric hospital Project”

“Construction and Procurement Department Head, Bruno Herbots has experience in both construction and projects, having applied his ‘thorough, pragmatic and efficient work ethic’ to some of the country’s major PPP projects, particularly in the rail sector.”

“Top notch on construction and procurement matters.”

如果您正在考虑在欧洲开展业务,了解欧洲法律及其机构的工作方式非常重要。 欧洲和中国在思维方式和商业操作上是有区别的, 而懂得这些不同至关重要。

例如,由于基本的法律传统是由两种不同的哲学理念所铸就的, 因此如何看待法律在欧洲和中国存在着根本不同。 欧洲的法律传统受到希腊哲学家苏格拉底的影响,因此认为法律几乎是神圣不可侵犯的。 相比之下,中国的法律传统受到孔子的强烈影响,孔子轻视法却视礼为最高规范。 了解这些不同的认知及其影响对在欧洲开展业务非常重要。

我们的主席J.H.赫博特博士是中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会国际仲裁员小组中为数不多的欧洲人之一。 这归功于他对中国文化和法律的兴趣和从业经验。

我们的顾问帕特里克·赫博特在北京生活工作多年,精通中国文化。 他现在领导我们在比利时布鲁塞尔位于欧盟委员会和欧洲议会旁边的办事处。

如果我们能为您提供任何帮助,请不要犹豫联系我们。[email protected]